Guido Cappellini
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What they say about him…

Vincenzo Iaconianni

What they say about him…

Vincenzo Iaconianni

Vincenzo Iaconianni

I first meet Guido in 1977, while performing  a go-kart race, only later on we realized our future would be in the powerboating world. Although we both ran nto smaller categories, and in F.1, I’ve always been thinking of Guido as an extraordinary driver, as a matter of fact he managed to win 10 world titles, during  the “golden age” of powerboating, when his competitors were such champions as John Hill, the two Seebold, senior and junior, Jonathan Jones, Michael Werner, Jay Price, Fabrizio  Bocca, Scott Gillman and Sami Selio.I must admit he also surprised me in his Team manager role, since he is so good and efficient, as he used to be when he was  a world champion driver. He developed so good organizational skills that he seems he can overcome the incredibile determination and intelligence he had as a driver.Guido takes care  of every single detail, without losing the 360° view: I think this is an extremely  rare peculiarity. He has  shown it, even whil working as  hull builder  too: the Dac Racing boats are the best in the world circuit.

Vincenzo Iaconianni – FIM President
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