Guido Cappellini
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What they say about him…

Loris Capirossi

What they say about him…

Loris Capirossi

Loris Capirossi

I have known Guido for over twenty years, and it is fun, because we are similar. We have the same passions:  speed, sea, motor sports and we have shared many adventures.  He’s a great friend: we  often see and call eachother. I admire  him very much, because he is a fighter and he never throws himself back, He was so like a driver, and he is like that in life. He has the rare ability to remain calm in difficult situation: like when, years ago, we were in troubles, with  a 45 foot in a crossing from Montecarlo to Sardinia, on a stormy sea, the higher waves I have ever seen before. I was afraid, Guido was quiet! On the contrary, when I took him for extreme trials up to the mountain behind Montecarlo, and he was about to call for help! I love him a lot, he is a real companion, but when he’s at work, he  becomes a great professional meticolous, perfectionist, careful to detail, a hard worker, strict. In fact, as a Team manager, he is really the number one in the world, as a driver.

Loris Capirossi – Dorna Manager, 3 times World Motorcycling Champion
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