Guido Cappellini
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What they say about him…

Renato Molinari

What they say about him…

Renato Molinari

Renato Molinari

I knew Guido when he was a child who came to learn the trade in our boatyard. His father and mine were close friends, as much as we are  and it is been like this for both of us for all our lives. Guido is undoubtedly the best powerboating driver I’ve ever met, and he is a great Team Manager too. Nowaday, he wins  World championship, because he is able to manage the whole organization and  has a clear team strategy: he worked hard to become a good builder too. It was a pity that, at his beginning, he was such an impetuous driver at his beginning , for which he lost many races, and world championships , beacause of his will of always leading the race. Despite many accidents,  he calmed down  other time, which made him the unbeatable shark of powerboating. After this, as I said, he was the best, because Guido is the smartest of all.

Renato Molinari – Nautical builder ,18 times World Powerboating Champion, of those 3 in F.1
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