Guido Cappellini
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What they say about him…

Raffaele Chiulli

What they say about him…

Raffaele Chiulli

Raffaele Chiulli

As Presidente of UIM, I strongly wanted Guido to be included in the “Hall of Fame” of world powerboat racing, because I believe that his successes  and his sport results, with ten titles won in the highest Inshore series, represent excellence in this sport. Excellence that then Cappellini was able to extend beyond his career as a driver, establishing himself as a boatbuilder, as a Team manager and a coach. He has put his great experience and know-how at the disposal of the new drivers generation, helping them to growth their passion for motor boating. Cappellini is a perfect  world ambassador of the powerboating and its values.

Raffaele Chiulli – President of UIM, ARISF and GAISF
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